215 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
Ann Emerg Med 2000 Ketamine Wathen JE, Roback MG, Mackenzie T, Bothner JP. Does midazolam alter the clinical effects of intravenous ketamine sedation in children? A double-blind, randomized, controlled emergency department trial. Ann Emerg Med 2000; 36:579-588.
Pediatr Emerg Care 2000 Ketamine McQuillen KK, Steele DW Capnography during sedation/analgesia in the pediatric emergency department Pediatr Emerg Care. 2000 Dec;16(6):401-4
Paediatr Nurs 2001 Ketamine Young S Comparing the use of ketamine and midazolam in emergency settings Paediatr Nurs. 2000 Mar;12(2):18-21
Emerg Med J 2001 Ketamine Younge PA, Kendall JM Sedation for children requiring wound repair: a randomised controlled double blind comparison of oral midazolam and oral ketamine Emerg Med J. 2001 Jan;18(1):30-3
Emerg Med J 2001 Ketamine McGlone R, Fleet T, Durham S, Hollis S A comparison of intramuscular ketamine with high dose intramuscular midazolam with and without intranasal flumazenil in children before suturing Emerg Med J. 2001 Jan;18(1):34-8
Emerg Med J 2001 Ketamine Acworth JP, Purdie D, Clark RC Intravenous ketamine plus midazolam is superior to intranasal midazolam for emergency paediatric procedural sedation Emerg Med J. 2001 Jan;18(1):39-45
Pediatr Emerg Care 2001 Ketamine Krauss B Management of acute pain and anxiety in children undergoing procedures in the emergency department Pediatr Emerg Care. 2001 Apr;17(2):115-22; quiz 123-5
Paediatr Drugs 2001 Ketamine Kennedy RM, Luhmann JD Pharmacological management of pain and anxiety during emergency procedures in children Paediatr Drugs. 2001;3(5):337-54
Chest 2001 Ketamine Werner HA Status asthmaticus in children: a review Chest. 2001 Jun;119(6):1913-29
Emerg Med J 2001 Ketamine Carley S, Martin B Towards evidence based emergency medicine: best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary. Midazolam and emergence phenomena in children undergoing ketamine sedation Emerg Med J. 2001 Jul;18(4):273-4