348 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
Pediatr Emerg Care 2000 Isopropanol Stremski E, Hennes H Accidental isopropanol ingestion in children Pediatr Emerg Care 2000 Aug;16(4):238-40
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2009 Ibuprofen Strengell T, Uhari M, Tarkka R, Uusimaa J, Alen R, Lautala P, Rantala H Antipyretic agents for preventing recurrences of febrile seizures: randomized controlled trial Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Sep;163(9):799-804
Curr Rheumatol Rep 2002 Immunoglobulins Sundel RP Update on the treatment of Kawasaki disease in childhood Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2002 Dec;4(6):474-82
J Pediatr 2003 Immunoglobulin Sundel RP, Baker AL, Fulton DR, Newburger JW Corticosteroids in the initial treatment of Kawasaki disease: report of a randomized trial J Pediatr. 2003 Jun;142(6):611-6
Pediatrics 2007 Ibuprofen Taddio A, Manley J, Potash L, Ipp M, Sgro M, Shah V Routine immunization practices: use of topical anesthetics and oral analgesics Pediatrics. 2007 Sep;120(3):e637-43
J Emerg Nurs 2002 Ibuprofen Tanabe P, Ferket K, Thomas R, Paice J, Marcantonio R The effect of standard care, ibuprofen, and distraction on pain relief and patient satisfaction in children with musculoskeletal trauma J Emerg Nurs. 2002 Apr;28(2):118-25
Pediatrics 2002 Ibuprofen Thomas KS, Armstrong S, Avery A, Po AL, O'Neill C, Young S, Williams HC Risk reduction in pediatric procedural sedation by application of an American Academy of Pediatrics/American Society of Anesthesiologists process model Pediatrics. 2002 Feb;109(2):236-43
US Pharmacist 2005 Ibuprofen Tom CM Management of Acute Pain in Hospitalized Children US Pharmacist 2005;30(8)
CMAJ 2005 Ipratropium Tozzi AE, Celentano LP, Ciofi degli Atti ML, Salmaso S Diagnosis and management of pertussis CMAJ. 2005 Feb 15;172(4):509-15
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998 Insulin Lispro Travaglini MT, Garg SK, Chase HP. Use of insulin lispro in the outpatient management of ketonuria. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998 152: 672-675