422 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
BMJ 2002 Fluoroquinolone Chan ED, Iseman MD. Current medical treatment for tuberculosis. BMJ 2002; 325: 1282-1286
BMJ 2003 Fludrocortisone Bochud PY, Calandra T Pathogenesis of sepsis: new concepts and implications for future treatment BMJ. 2003 Feb 1;326(7383):262-6
BMJ 2003 Fluids Bochud PY, Calandra T Pathogenesis of sepsis: new concepts and implications for future treatment BMJ. 2003 Feb 1;326(7383):262-6
BMJ 2003 Fatty acids Forsyth JS, Willatts P, Agostoni C, Bissenden J, Casaer P, Boehm G Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infant formula and blood pressure in later childhood: follow up of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2003 May 3;326(7396):953
BMJ 2004 Fluoxetine Jureidini JN, Doecke CJ, Mansfield PR, Haby MM, Menkes DB, Tonkin AL Efficacy and safety of antidepressants for children and adolescents BMJ. 2004 Apr 10;328(7444):879-83
BMJ 2004 Fluvoxamine Jureidini JN, Doecke CJ, Mansfield PR, Haby MM, Menkes DB, Tonkin AL Efficacy and safety of antidepressants for children and adolescents BMJ. 2004 Apr 10;328(7444):879-83
BMJ 2004 Fludrocortisone Annane D, Bellissant E, Bollaert PE, Briegel J, Keh D, Kupfer Y Corticosteroids for severe sepsis and septic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis BMJ. 2004 Aug 28;329(7464):480. Epub 2004 Aug 02
BMJ 2004 Fludrocortisone Chen-Scarabelli C, Scarabelli TM Neurocardiogenic syncope BMJ. 2004 Aug 7;329(7461):336-41
BMJ 2004 Fluids Kozer E, Seto W, Verjee Z, Parshuram C, Khattak S, Koren G, Jarvis DA Prospective observational study on the incidence of medication errors during simulated resuscitation in a paediatric emergency department BMJ. 2004 Dec 4;329(7478):1321
BMJ 2006 Fluids Hart CA, Thomson AP Meningococcal disease and its management in children BMJ. 2006 Sep 30;333(7570):685-90
BMJ 2007 Fluticasone Ah-See KW, Evans AS Sinusitis and its management BMJ. 2007 Feb 17;334(7589):358-61
BMJ 2007 Fluoroquinolone Morgan M, Palmer J Dog bites BMJ. 2007 Feb 24;334(7590):413-7
BMJ 2007 Fluids Bush A, Thomson AH Acute bronchiolitis BMJ. 2007 Nov 17;335(7628):1037-41
BMJ 2009 Fluids Khanna R, Lakhanpaul M, Burman-Roy S, Murphy MS; Guideline Development Group and the technical team Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in children under 5 years: summary of NICE guidance BMJ. 2009 Apr 22;338:b1350
BMJ 2009 Fentanyl Atkinson P, Chesters A, Heinz P Pain management and sedation for children in the emergency department BMJ. 2009 Oct 30;339:b4234
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Fluticasone de Benedictis FM, Teper A, Green RJ, Boner AL, Williams L, Medley H. Effects of 2 inhaled corticosteroids on growth: results of a randomized controlled trial. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 155: 1248-1254
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002 Folic Acid Perrin E, Rothman R, Coyne-Beasley T, Ford C, Bordley WC. Is Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation as Effective as Daily Supplementation for Decreasing Incidence of Anemia in Adolescent Girls? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002 156: 128-130
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002 Folic acid Shah BK, Gupta P. Weekly vs Daily Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation in Adolescent Nepalese Girls Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002 156: 131-135
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Fentanyl Pitetti RD, Singh S, Pierce MC Safe and efficacious use of procedural sedation and analgesia by nonanesthesiologists in a pediatric emergency department Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Nov;157(11):1090-6
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Fentanyl Pitetti RD, Singh S, Pierce MC Safe and efficacious use of procedural sedation and analgesia by nonanesthesiologists in a pediatric emergency department Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Nov;157(11):1090-6
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Flumazenil Pitetti RD, Singh S, Pierce MC Safe and efficacious use of procedural sedation and analgesia by nonanesthesiologists in a pediatric emergency department Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Nov;157(11):1090-6
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2004 Fluids Fonseca BK, Holdgate A, Jonathan C. Craig JC Enteral vs Intravenous Rehydration Therapy for Children With Gastroenteritis Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004 May;158(5):483-490.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2006 Fentanyl Migita RT, Klein EJ, Garrison MM Sedation and analgesia for pediatric fracture reduction in the emergency department: a systematic review Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Jan;160(1):46-51
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2006 Fentanyl Pitetti R, Davis PJ, Redlinger R, White J, Wiener E, Calhoun KH Effect on hospital-wide sedation practices after implementation of the 2001 JCAHO procedural sedation and analgesia guidelines Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Feb;160(2):211-6
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008 Fluids DeCamp LR, Byerley JS, Doshi N, Steiner MJ Use of antiemetic agents in acute gastroenteritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2008 Sep;162(9):858-65
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2008 Flucloxacillin Ho D, Rotenberg BW, Berkowitz RG The relationship between acute mastoiditis and antibiotic use for acute otitis media in children Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Jan;134(1):45-8
Arch Intern Med 2002 Fluticasone Sin DD, Man SF Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid therapy and risk of emergency department visits for asthma Arch Intern Med. 2002 Jul 22;162(14):1591-5
Arch Intern Med 2002 Flunisolide Sin DD, Man SF Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid therapy and risk of emergency department visits for asthma Arch Intern Med. 2002 Jul 22;162(14):1591-5
Arch Dis Child 1998 Fluids Tasker RC Emergency treatment of acute seizures and status epilepticus Arch Dis Child. 1998 Jul;79(1):78-83
Arch Dis Child 2001 Fluticasone Patel L, Wales JK, Kibirige MS, Massarano AA, Couriel JM, Clayton PE Symptomatic adrenal insufficiency during inhaled corticosteroid treatment Arch Dis Child. 2001 Oct;85(4):330-4
Arch Dis Child 2002 Fluticasone Baki A, Orhan F The effect of loratadine in exercise-induced asthma Arch Dis Child. 2002 Jan;86(1):38-9
Arch Dis Child 2002 Flunisolide Perry RJ, Findlay CA, Donaldson MD Cushing's syndrome, growth impairment, and occult adrenal suppression associated with intranasal steroids Arch Dis Child. 2002 Jul;87(1):45-8
Arch Dis Child 2002 Flumazenil Riordan M, Rylance G, Berry K Poisoning in children 1: general management Arch Dis Child. 2002 Nov;87(5):392-6
Arch Dis Child 2002 Fomepizole Riordan M, Rylance G, Berry K Poisoning in children 1: general management Arch Dis Child. 2002 Nov;87(5):392-6
Arch Dis Child 2002 Flumazenil Riordan M, Rylance G, Berry K Poisoning in children 3: common medicines Arch Dis Child. 2002 Nov;87(5):400-2
Arch Dis Child 2002 Ferrous sulphate Riordan M, Rylance G, Berry K Poisoning in children 3: common medicines Arch Dis Child. 2002 Nov;87(5):400-2
Arch Dis Child 2002 Ferrous gluconate Riordan M, Rylance G, Berry K Poisoning in children 3: common medicines Arch Dis Child. 2002 Nov;87(5):400-2
Arch Dis Child 2002 Flumazenil Riordan M, Rylance G, Berry K Poisoning in children 4: household products, plants, and mushrooms Arch Dis Child. 2002 Nov;87(5):403-6
Arch Dis Child 2002 Fomepizole Riordan M, Rylance G, Berry K Poisoning in children 5: rare and dangerous poisons Arch Dis Child. 2002 Nov;87(5):407-10
Arch Dis Child 2002 Fluticasone Todd GR, Acerini CL, Ross-Russell R, Zahra S, Warner JT, McCance D Survey of adrenal crisis associated with inhaled corticosteroids in the United Kingdom Arch Dis Child. 2002 Dec;87(6):457-61
Arch Dis Child 2003 Furosemide Welch SB, Nadel S Treatment of meningococcal infection Arch Dis Child. 2003 Jul;88(7):608-14
Arch Dis Child 2004 Fluids Lowes L, Gregory JW Management of newly diagnosed diabetes: home or hospital? Arch Dis Child. 2004 Oct;89(10):934-7
Arch Dis Child 2006 Fluids Choong K, Kho ME, Menon K, Bohn D Hypotonic versus isotonic saline in hospitalised children: a systematic review Arch Dis Child. 2006 Oct;91(10):828-35
Arch Dis Child 2007 Fluids Armon K, Playfor SD, Riordan A, Millman G, Khader A Hyponatraemia and hypokalaemia during intravenous fluid administration Arch Dis Child. 2007 Jan 9
Arch Dis Child 2009 Fluids Inwald DP, Tasker R, Peters MJ, Nadel S Emergency management of children with severe sepsis in the United Kingdom - the results of the Paediatric Intensive Care Society sepsis audit Arch Dis Child. 2009 Jan 8. [Epub ahead of print]
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters 2005 Fluids Grisolia G.A., Pinzauti E., Pancani S., Pavone M PAEDIATRIC BURNS IN THE ACUTE PHASE: SPECIFIC ASPECTS Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XVIII - n. 4 - December 2005
Ann Emerg Med 1998 Fentanyl No authors listed Clinical policy for procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department. American College of Emergency Physicians Ann Emerg Med. 1998 May;31(5):663-77
Ann Emerg Med 1999 Fluvoxamine Gill M, LoVecchio F, Selden B Serotonin syndrome in a child after a single dose of fluvoxamine Ann Emerg Med 1999 Apr;33(4):457-9
Ann Emerg Med 1999 Fentanyl Pena BM, Krauss B Adverse events of procedural sedation and analgesia in a pediatric emergency department Ann Emerg Med 1999 Oct;34(4 Pt 1):483-91
Ann Emerg Med 1999 Flumazenil Pena BM, Krauss B Adverse events of procedural sedation and analgesia in a pediatric emergency department Ann Emerg Med. 1999 Oct;34(4 Pt 1):483-91
Ann Emerg Med 1999 Fluvoxamine Mullins ME, Horowitz BZ Serotonin syndrome after a single dose of fluvoxamine Ann Emerg Med 1999 Dec;34(6):806-7
Ann Emerg Med 2000 Fomepizole Sivilotti ML, Burns MJ, McMartin KE, Brent J Toxicokinetics of ethylene glycol during fomepizole therapy: implications for management Ann Emerg Med 2000 Aug;36(2):114-25
Ann Emerg Med 2000 Fomepizole Watson WA Ethylene glycol toxicity: closing in on rational, evidence-based treatment Ann Emerg Med 2000 Aug;36(2):139-41
Ann Emerg Med 2001 FabAV Dart RC, McNally J Efficacy, safety, and use of snake antivenoms in the United States Ann Emerg Med. 2001 Feb;37(2):181-8
Ann Emerg Med 2001 Fab Dart RC, McNally J Efficacy, safety, and use of snake antivenoms in the United States Ann Emerg Med 2001 Feb;37(2):181-8
Ann Emerg Med 2001 Fab Boyer LV, Seifert SA, Cain JS Recurrence phenomena after immunoglobulin therapy for snake envenomations: Part 2. Guidelines for clinical management with crotaline Fab antivenom Ann Emerg Med 2001 Feb;37(2):196-201
Ann Emerg Med 2001 Furosemide Campagna DP, Wallace DR Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis presenting as impending airway obstruction Ann Emerg Med. 2001 Oct;38(4):450-2
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fluoxetine Bond GR The role of activated charcoal and gastric emptying in gastrointestinal decontamination: a state-of-the-art review Ann Emerg Med. 2002 Mar;39(3):273-86
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fluids Ramsook C, Sahagun-Carreon I, Kozinetz CA, Moro-Sutherland D A randomized clinical trial comparing oral ondansetron with placebo in children with vomiting from acute gastroenteritis Ann Emerg Med. 2002 Apr;39(4):397-403
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fluids Rosenfeldt V, Michaelsen KF, Jakobsen M, Larsen CN, Moller PL, Pedersen P, Tvede M, Weyrehter H, Valerius NH, Paerregaard A Comparison of nasogastric and intravenous methods of rehydration in pediatric patients with acute dehydration Ann Emerg Med. 2002 Apr;39(4):413-21
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fab Ruha AM, Curry SC, Beuhler M, Katz K, Brooks DE, Graeme KA, Wallace K, Gerkin R, Lovecchio F, Wax P, Selden B Initial postmarketing experience with crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab for treatment of rattlesnake envenomation Ann Emerg Med 2002 Jun;39(6):609-15
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fab Yip L Rational use of crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) in the management of crotaline bite Ann Emerg Med 2002 Jun;39(6):648-50
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fab Holstege CP, Wu J, Baer AB Immediate hypersensitivity reaction associated with the rapid infusion of Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) Ann Emerg Med 2002 Jun;39(6):677-9
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Flunisolide Edmonds ML, Camargo CA Jr, Pollack CV Jr, Rowe BH The effectiveness of inhaled corticosteroids in the emergency department treatment of acute asthma: A meta-analysis Ann Emerg Med 2002 Aug;40(2):145-54
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fluticasone Edmonds ML, Camargo CA Jr, Pollack CV Jr, Rowe BH The effectiveness of inhaled corticosteroids in the emergency department treatment of acute asthma: A meta-analysis Ann Emerg Med 2002 Aug;40(2):145-54
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fab Bush SP, Green SM, Moynihan JA, Hayes WK, Cardwell MD Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) antivenom is efficacious for envenomations by Southern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus helleri) Ann Emerg Med 2002 Dec;40(6):619-24
Ann Emerg Med 2003 Fab Smally AJ Proper treatment of anaphylaxis Ann Emerg Med 2003 Mar; 41(3): 425-6
Ann Emerg Med 2003 Fentanyl Newman DH, Azer MM, Pitetti RD, Singh S When is a patient safe for discharge after procedural sedation? The timing of adverse effect events in 1367 pediatric procedural sedations Ann Emerg Med. 2003 Nov;42(5):627-35
Ann Emerg Med 2004 Fentanyl Agrawal D, Feldman HA, Krauss B, Waltzman ML Bispectral index monitoring quantifies depth of sedation during emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia in children Ann Emerg Med. 2004 Feb;43(2):247-55
Ann Emerg Med 2004 Fluoxetine Kennedy SP, Baraff LJ, Suddath RL, Asarnow JR Emergency department management of suicidal adolescents Ann Emerg Med. 2004 Apr;43(4):452-60
Ann Emerg Med 2004 Fentanyl Mace SE, Barata IA, Cravero JP, Dalsey WC, Godwin SA, Kennedy RM, Malley KC, Moss RL, Sacchetti AD, Warden CR, Wears RL, Brennan JA, Whitson RR, Crown H, Kavanaugh D, Role SE; EMSC Grant Panel (Writing Committee) on Pharmacologic Agents Used in Pediatric Clinical policy: evidence-based approach to pharmacologic agents used in pediatric sedation and analgesia in the emergency department Ann Emerg Med. 2004 Oct;44(4):342-77
Ann Emerg Med 2005 Fluoromethane Young KD Pediatric procedural pain Ann Emerg Med. 2005 Feb;45(2):160-71
Ann Emerg Med 2007 Fentanyl Deitch K, Chudnofsky CR, Dominici P The utility of supplemental oxygen during emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia with midazolam and fentanyl: a randomized, controlled trial Ann Emerg Med. 2007 Jan;49(1):1-8
Ann Emerg Med 2006 Fentanyl Borland M, Jacobs I, King B, O'brien D A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Intranasal Fentanyl to Intravenous Morphine for Managing Acute Pain in Children in the Emergency Department Ann Emerg Med. 2006 Oct 24
Ann Emerg Med 2007 Fentanyl Borland M, Jacobs I, King B, O'Brien D A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Intranasal Fentanyl to Intravenous Morphine for Managing Acute Pain in Children in the Emergency Department Ann Emerg Med. 2007 Mar;49(3):335-40
Ann Emerg Med 2007 Fluids Stoner MJ, Goodman DG, Cohen DM, Fernandez SA, Hall MW Rapid Fluid Resuscitation in Pediatrics: Testing the American College of Critical Care Medicine Guideline Ann Emerg Med. 2007 Aug 29; [Epub ahead of print]
Ann Emerg Med 2008 Fluids Roslund G, Hepps TS, McQuillen KK The role of oral ondansetron in children with vomiting as a result of acute gastritis/gastroenteritis who have failed oral rehydration therapy: a randomized controlled trial Ann Emerg Med. 2008 Jul;52(1):22-29
Ann Emerg Med 2008 Fentanyl Mace SE, Brown LA, Francis L, Godwin SA, Hahn SA, Howard PK, Kennedy RM, Mooney DP, Sacchetti AD, Wears RL, Clark RM; EMSC Panel (Writing Committee) on Critical Issues in the Sedation of Pediatric Patients in the Emergency Clinical policy: Critical issues in the sedation of pediatric patients in the emergency department Ann Emerg Med. 2008 Apr;51(4):378-99
Ann Emerg Med 2008 Fluids Hom J, Sinert R Evidence-based emergency medicine/critically appraised topic. Is fluid therapy associated with cerebral edema in children with diabetic ketoacidosis? Ann Emerg Med. 2008 Jul;52(1):69-75
Ann Emerg Med 2008 Fentanyl Fineberg SL, Arendts G Comparison of two methods of pediatric resuscitation and critical care management Ann Emerg Med. 2008 Jul;52(1):35-40
Ann Emerg Med 2008 Fluids Fineberg SL, Arendts G Comparison of two methods of pediatric resuscitation and critical care management Ann Emerg Med. 2008 Jul;52(1):35-40
Ann Emerg Med 2009 Fentanyl Bailey JE, Campagna E, Dart RC; RADARS System Poison Center Investigators The underrecognized toll of prescription opioid abuse on young children Ann Emerg Med. 2009 Apr;53(4):419-24
Ann Emerg Med 2009 Fentanyl McQueen A, Wright RO, Kido MM, Kaye E, Krauss B Procedural sedation and analgesia outcomes in children after discharge from the emergency department: ketamine versus fentanyl/midazolam Ann Emerg Med. 2009 Aug;54(2):191-97
Ann Emerg Med 2001 Fentanyl Godambe SA, Pershad J Comparison of Propofol and Fentanyl Versus Ketamine and Midazolam for Emergency Orthopedic Procedural Sedation Ann Emerg Med 2001 Oct;38(4 Pt 2):S5
Ann Emerg Med 2002 Fentanyl Stuhlmiller DFE, Hayes TV, Crisel RK, Cordell WH, Giles BK, Brizendine EJ Do severely injured patients transported by medical helicopter develop hypotension after intravenous fentanyl administration? Ann Emerg Med 2002 Oct;40(4 Pt 2):S44
Ann Emerg Med 2000 Fentanyl Harrison TH, Ahmed W, Thomas SH, Wedel SK Effect of Fentanyl on End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide in Air-Transported Patients Ann Emerg Med 2000 Oct;36(4 Pt 2):S53
Ann Emerg Med 2003 Fab Holstege CP Proper treatment of anaphylaxis In reply Ann Emerg Med 2003 Mar; 41(3): 426-7
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1999 Fluticasone Sheikh S, Goldsmith LJ, Howell L, Eid N Comparison of the efficacy of inhaled fluticasone propionate, 880 microg/day, with flunisolide, 1500 microg/day, in moderate-to-severe persistent asthma Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1999 Oct;83(4):300-4
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1999 Flunisolide Sheikh S, Goldsmith LJ, Howell L, Eid N Comparison of the efficacy of inhaled fluticasone propionate, 880 microg/day, with flunisolide, 1500 microg/day, in moderate-to-severe persistent asthma Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1999 Oct;83(4):300-4
Anesth Analg 2004 Fentanyl Cravero JP, Blike GT Review of pediatric sedation Anesth Analg. 2004 Nov;99(5):1355-64
Anesth Analg 2006 Fentanyl Sadhasivam S, Ganesh A, Robison A, Kaye R, Watcha MF Validation of the bispectral index monitor for measuring the depth of sedation in children Anesth Analg. 2006 Feb;102(2):383-8
Anaesthesia 2002 Fentanyl Howell TK, Smith S, Rushman SC, Walker RW, Radivan F A comparison of oral transmucosal fentanyl and oral midazolam for premedication in children Anaesthesia. 2002 Aug;57(8):798-805
Anaesthesia 2008 Fluids Meyer S, Gortner L, McGuire W, Baghai A, Gottschling S Vasopressin in catecholamine-refractory shock in children Anaesthesia. 2008 Mar;63(3):228-34
Am J Ther 2001 Fenoldopam Strauser LM, Pruitt RD, Tobias JD Initial experience with fenoldopam in children Am J Ther. 1999 Sep;6(5):283-8
Am J Med 2001 Fluticasone Nathan RA, Bleecker ER, Kalberg C; Fluticasone Propionate Study Group. A Comparison of Short-Term Treatment with Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate and Zafirlukast for Patients with Persistent Asthma Am J Med. 2001 Aug 15;111(3):195-202
Am J Emerg Med 1999 Fentanyl Bauman LA, Kish I, Baumann RC, Politis GD Pediatric sedation with analgesia Am J Emerg Med. 1999 Jan;17(1):1-3
Am J Emerg Med 2001 Fentanyl Chumpa A, Kaplan RL, Burns MM, Shannon MW Nalmefene for elective reversal of procedural sedation in children Am J Emerg Med. 2001 Nov;19(7):545-8
Am J Emerg Med 2002 Fentanyl Hostetler MA, Auinger P, Szilagyi PG Parenteral analgesic and sedative use among ED patients in the United States: combined results from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) 1992-1997 Am J Emerg Med. 2002 Mar;20(2):83-7
Am J Emerg Med 2002 Fentanyl Hostetler MA, Barnard JA Removal of esophageal foreign bodies in the pediatric ED: is ketamine an option? Am J Emerg Med. 2002 Mar;20(2):96-8
Am J Emerg Med 2002 Fentanyl Hostetler MA, Auinger P, Szilagyi PG Parenteral analgesic and sedative use among ED patients in the United States: combined results from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) 1992-1997 Am J Emerg Med. 2002 May;20(3):139-43
Am J Emerg Med 2007 Fentanyl Cutler KO, Bush AJ, Godambe SA, Gilmore B The use of a pediatric emergency medicine-staffed sedation service during imaging: a retrospective analysis Am J Emerg Med. 2007 Jul;25(6):654-61
Am J Emerg Med 2008 Fentanyl Schmerler BL, Cohen DM, Leder MS, Bonsu BK Procedural sedation for fracture reduction in children with hyperactivity Am J Emerg Med. 2008 Jul;26(6):661-4
Allergy Asthma Proc 2002 Furosemide Gonzalez-Sanchez R, Trujillo-Hernandez B, Huerta M, Vasquez C, Trujillo X Furosemide plus albuterol compared with albuterol alone in children with acute asthma Allergy Asthma Proc. 2002 May-Jun;23(3):181-4
Allergy 2007 Fexofenadine Muraro A, Roberts G, Clark A, Eigenmann PA, Halken S, Lack G, Moneret-Vautrin A, Niggemann B, Rancé F; EAACI Task Force on Anaphylaxis in Children The management of anaphylaxis in childhood: position paper of the European academy of allergology and clinical immunology Allergy. 2007 Aug;62(8):857-71
Allergy 2007 Fluids Muraro A, Roberts G, Clark A, Eigenmann PA, Halken S, Lack G, Moneret-Vautrin A, Niggemann B, Rancé F; EAACI Task Force on Anaphylaxis in Children The management of anaphylaxis in childhood: position paper of the European academy of allergology and clinical immunology Allergy. 2007 Aug;62(8):857-71
Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 2004 Formoterol Avila-Castanon L, Casas-Becerra B, Del Rio-Navarro BE, Velazquez-Armenta Y, Sienra-Monge JJ Formoterol vs. albuterol administered via Turbuhaler system in the emergency treatment of acute asthma in children Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2004 Jan-Feb;32(1):18-20
Acta Paediatr 2008 Fluids Dauger S, Holvoet L, Pinto-Da-Costa N, Michot C, Aizenfisz S, Angoulvant F A teaching programme to improve compliance with guidelines about management of hypovolaemia in the emergency department Acta Paediatr. 2008 Dec;97(12):1746-8
Acta Paediatr 2009 Fluids Konopova P, Janota J, Termerova J, Burianova I, Paulova M, Zach J Successful treatment of profound hypothermia of the newborn Acta Paediatr. 2009 Jan;98(1):190-2
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007 Fentanyl Oh AY, Seo KS, Goo EK, Park YO, Kim SJ, Kim JH Prevention of withdrawal movement associated with injection of rocuronium in children: comparison of remifentanil, alfentanil and fentanyl Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2007 Aug 15; [Epub ahead of print]
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2008 Fentanyl Aouad MT, Moussa AR, Dagher CM, Muwakkit SA, Jabbour-Khoury SI, Zbeidy RA, Abboud MR, Kanazi GE Addition of ketamine to propofol for initiation of procedural anesthesia in children reduces propofol consumption and preserves hemodynamic stability Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008 Apr;52(4):561-5
Acad Emerg Med 2002 Flecainide West KM, Culhane NS A randomized clinical trial of oral versus intramuscular delivery of steroids in acute exudative pharyngitis Acad Emerg Med. 2002 Jan;9(1):9-14
Acad Emerg Med 2002 Fentanyl Miner JR, Heegaard W, Plummer D End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring during procedural sedation Acad Emerg Med. 2002 Apr;9(4):275-80
Acad Emerg Med 2002 Fab crotaline Offerman SR, Bush SP, Moynihan JA, Clark RF Crotaline Fab Antivenom for the Treatment of Pediatric Rattlesnake Envenomation Acad Emerg Med 2002 May;9(5):532-533
Acad Emerg Med 2003 Fentanyl Bartfield JM, Flint RD, McErlean M, Broderick J Nebulized fentanyl for relief of abdominal pain Acad Emerg Med. 2003 Mar;10(3):215-8
Acad Emerg Med 2004 Fluids Brousseau DC, Scott JP, Hillery CA, Panepinto JA The effect of magnesium on length of stay for pediatric sickle cell pain crisis Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Sep;11(9):968-72
Acad Emerg Med 2006 Fluids Stork CM, Brown KM, Reilly TH, Secreti L, Brown LH Emergency Department Treatment of Viral Gastritis Using Intravenous Ondansetron or Dexamethasone in Children Acad Emerg Med. 2006 Aug 10
Acad Emerg Med 2007 Fentanyl Miner JR, Kletti C, Herold M, Hubbard D, Biros MH Randomized clinical trial of nebulized fentanyl citrate versus i.v. fentanyl citrate in children presenting to the emergency department with acute pain Acad Emerg Med. 2007 Oct;14(10):895-8
Acad Emerg Med 2008 Fentanyl Messenger DW, Murray HE, Dungey PE, van Vlymen J, Sivilotti ML Subdissociative-dose ketamine versus fentanyl for analgesia during propofol procedural sedation: a randomized clinical trial Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Oct;15(10):877-86
Acad Emerg Med 2009 Fluids Biese KJ, Moro-Sutherland D, Furberg RD, Downing B, Glickman L, Murphy A, Jackson CL, Snyder G, Hobgood C Using screen-based simulation to improve performance during pediatric resuscitation Acad Emerg Med. 2009 Dec;16 Suppl 2:S71-5
Acad Emerg Med 2010 Fentanyl Holdgate A, Cao A, Lo KM The Implementation of Intranasal Fentanyl for Children in a Mixed Adult and Pediatric Emergency Department Reduces Time to Analgesic Administration Acad Emerg Med. 2010 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Acad Emerg Med 2000 Fentanyl Hostetler A, Szilagyi PG, Auinger P Do Children in the Emergency Department Really Receive Less Analgesia and Sedation than Adults? Acad Emerg Med 2000 May; 7(5):549
Acad Emerg Med 2000 Fluticasone Schuh S, Reisman J, Al-Shehri M, Dupuis A, Corey M, Arseneault R, Alothman G, Tennis O, Canny G Efficacy of Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate versus Oral Prednisone in Severe Acute Asthma in Children Acad Emerg Med 2000 May; 7(5):559