422 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
Pediatr Emerg Care 2003 Fentanyl Sacchetti A, Turco T, Carraccio C, Hasher W, Cho D, Gerardi M Procedural sedation for children with special health care needs Pediatr Emerg Care. 2003 Aug;19(4):231-9
Ann Emerg Med 2003 Fentanyl Newman DH, Azer MM, Pitetti RD, Singh S When is a patient safe for discharge after procedural sedation? The timing of adverse effect events in 1367 pediatric procedural sedations Ann Emerg Med. 2003 Nov;42(5):627-35
Pediatrics 2003 Fentanyl Kim MK, Galustyan S, Sato TT, Bergholte J, Hennes HM Analgesia for children with acute abdominal pain: a survey of pediatric emergency physicians and pediatric surgeons Pediatrics. 2003 Nov;112(5):1122-6
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Fentanyl Pitetti RD, Singh S, Pierce MC Safe and efficacious use of procedural sedation and analgesia by nonanesthesiologists in a pediatric emergency department Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Nov;157(11):1090-6
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Fentanyl Pitetti RD, Singh S, Pierce MC Safe and efficacious use of procedural sedation and analgesia by nonanesthesiologists in a pediatric emergency department Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Nov;157(11):1090-6
Paediatr Anaesth 2003 Fentanyl Szmuk P, Kee S, Pivalizza EG, Warters RD, Abramson DC, Ezri T Anaesthesia for magnetoencephalography in children with intractable seizures Paediatr Anaesth. 2003 Nov;13(9):811-7
Pediatr Emerg Care 2004 Fentanyl Pollauf LA, Lutes RE, Ramundo ML, Christopher NC The educational experience of pediatric emergency medicine fellows in the use and application of procedural sedation/analgesia Pediatr Emerg Care. 2004 Jan;20(1):12-6
Ann Emerg Med 2004 Fentanyl Agrawal D, Feldman HA, Krauss B, Waltzman ML Bispectral index monitoring quantifies depth of sedation during emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia in children Ann Emerg Med. 2004 Feb;43(2):247-55
Paediatr Drugs 2004 Fentanyl Kennedy RM, Luhmann JD, Luhmann SJ Emergency department management of pain and anxiety related to orthopedic fracture care: a guide to analgesic techniques and procedural sedation in children Paediatr Drugs. 2004;6(1):11-31
Paediatr Drugs 2004 Fentanyl Kennedy RM, Luhmann JD, Luhmann SJ Emergency department management of pain and anxiety related to orthopedic fracture care: a guide to analgesic techniques and procedural sedation in children Paediatr Drugs. 2004;6(1):11-31