39 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
Pediatrics 1998 Zinc Sazawal S, Black RE, Jalla S, Mazumdar S, Sinha A, Bhan MK Zinc supplementation reduces the incidence of acute lower respiratory infections in infants and preschool children: a double-blind, controlled trial Pediatrics 1998 Jul; 102(1 Pt 1): 1-5
Arch Intern Med. 1998 Zafirlukast Katial RK, Stelzle RC, Bonner MW, Marino M, Cantilena LR, Smith LJ. A Drug Interaction Between Zafirlukast and Theophylline Arch Intern Med. 1998 Aug 10-24;158(15):1713-5
Ann Emerg Med 1999 Zafirlukast Silverman RA, Chen Y, Bonuccelli CM, Simonson SG Zafirlukast Improves Emergency Department Outcomes After an Acute Asthma Episode Ann Emerg Med 1999 Oct;34(4 Pt 2):S1
N Engl J Med 2000 Zanamavir Couch RB Prevention and treatment of influenza N Engl J Med 2000 Dec 14; 343(24):1778-87
Pediatrics 2001 Zidovudine Sßez-Llorens X, Nelson Jr. NP, Emmanuel P, Wiznia A, Mitchell C, Church JA, Sleasman J, Van Dyke R, Richardson CG, Cutrell A, Spreen W, Hetherington S, the CNAA3006 Study Team A Randomized, Double-Blind Study of Triple Nucleoside Therapy of Abacavir, Lamivudine, and Zidovudine Versus Lamivudine and Zidovudine in Previously Treated Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-Infected Children Pediatrics 2001 Jan; 107 (1): e4
Paediatr Drugs 2001 Zafirlukast DeNicola LK, Gayle MO, Blake KV Drug therapy approaches in the treatment of acute severe asthma in hospitalised children Paediatr Drugs. 2001;3(7):509-37
Paediatr Drugs 2001 Zileuton DeNicola LK, Gayle MO, Blake KV Drug therapy approaches in the treatment of acute severe asthma in hospitalised children Paediatr Drugs. 2001;3(7):509-37
Am J Med 2001 Zafirlukast Nathan RA, Bleecker ER, Kalberg C; Fluticasone Propionate Study Group. A Comparison of Short-Term Treatment with Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate and Zafirlukast for Patients with Persistent Asthma Am J Med. 2001 Aug 15;111(3):195-202
Pediatrics 2001 Zinc American Academy of Pediatrics. Subcommittee on Management of Sinusitis and Committee on Quality Improvement Clinical practice guideline: management of sinusitis Pediatrics. 2001 Sep;108(3):798-808
J Pediatr Health Care 2001 Zolmitriptan Rosenblum RK, Fisher PG A guide to children with acute and chronic headaches J Pediatr Health Care. 2001 Sep-Oct;15(5):229-35