318 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
Paediatr Drugs 2001 Opioids Litalien C, Jacqz-Aigrain E Risks and benefits of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in children: a comparison with paracetamol Paediatr Drugs. 2001;3(11):817-58
CMAJ 2009 Oseltamivir O'Riordan S, Barton M, Yau Y, Read SE, Allen U, Tran D Risk factors and outcomes among children admitted to hospital with pandemic H1N1 influenza CMAJ. 2009 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Pediatrics 2001 Oxygen Vento M, Asensi M, Sastre J, Garcia-Sala F, Pallardo FV, Vina J Resuscitation with room air instead of 100% oxygen prevents oxidative stress in moderately asphyxiated term neonates Pediatrics. 2001 Apr;107(4):642-7
Pediatrics 2003 Oxygen Saugstad OD, Ramji S, Irani SF, El-Meneza S, Hernandez EA, Vento M, Talvik T, Solberg R, Rootwelt T, Aalen OO Resuscitation of Newborn Infants With 21% or 100% Oxygen: Follow-Up at 18 to 24 Months Pediatrics. 2003 Aug;112(2):296-300
Lancet 2004 Oxygen Davis PG, Tan A, O'Donnell CP, Schulze A Resuscitation of newborn infants with 100% oxygen or air: a systematic review and meta-analysis Lancet. 2004 Oct 9;364(9442):1329-33
Respir Care 2003 Oxacillin Rotta AT, Wiryawan B Respiratory emergencies in children Respir Care. 2003 Mar;48(3):248-58; discussion 258-60
Pediatrics 2004 Opiates Zempsky WT, Cravero JP; American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Relief of pain and anxiety in pediatric patients in emergency medical systems Pediatrics. 2004 Nov;114(5):1348-56
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002 OTC Kemper AR, Krysan DJ. Reevaluating the Efficacy of Naturopathic Ear Drops Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002 156: 88-89
J Am Acad Nurse Pract 2002 Octylcyanoacrylate Gordon CA Reducing needle-stick injuries with the use of 2-octyl cyanoacrylates for laceration repair J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2001 Jan;13(1):10-2
Paediatr Anaesth 2009 Oxygen Brown SC, Hart G, Chastain DP, Schneeweiss S, McGrath PA Reducing distress for children during invasive procedures: randomized clinical trial of effectiveness of the PediSedate Paediatr Anaesth. 2009 Aug;19(8):725-31