152 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
Pediatr Emerg Care 1998 Gentian violet Pessah A, Ofosu JR, Klein BL Conjunctival staining and corneal and conjunctival abrasions caused by 2% aqueous gentian violet solution Pediatr Emerg Care 1998 Aug;14(4):285-6
Pediatr Clin North Am 2008 Glucose de Caen AR, Reis A, Bhutta A Vascular access and drug therapy in pediatric resuscitation Pediatr Clin North Am. 2008 Aug;55(4):909-27
Pain 2003 Glucose Lindh V, Wiklund U, Blomquist HK, Hakansson S EMLA cream and oral glucose for immunization pain in 3-month-old infants Pain. 2003 Jul;104(1-2):381-8
Paediatr Drugs 2004 Glibenclamide Bar-Oz B, Levichek Z, Koren G Medications that can be fatal for a toddler with one tablet or teaspoonful: a 2004 update Paediatr Drugs. 2004;6(2):123-6
Paediatr Drugs 2004 Glipizide Bar-Oz B, Levichek Z, Koren G Medications that can be fatal for a toddler with one tablet or teaspoonful: a 2004 update Paediatr Drugs. 2004;6(2):123-6
Paediatr Drugs 2002 Gammaglobulin Bohn D, Benson L Diagnosis and management of pediatric myocarditis Paediatr Drugs. 2002;4(3):171-81
Paediatr Drugs 2002 Gammaglobulin Volovitz B, Nussinovitch M Management of children with severe asthma exacerbation in the emergency department Paediatr Drugs. 2002;4(3):141-9
Paediatr Drugs 2002 Gamma-globulin Levi D, Alejos J An approach to the treatment of pediatric myocarditis Paediatr Drugs. 2002;4(10):637-47
Paediatr Drugs 2001 Gammaglobulin Williams RV, Minich LL, Tani LY Pharmacological therapy for patients with Kawasaki disease Paediatr Drugs. 2001;3(9):649-60
Paediatr Drugs 2001 Glycopyrronium DeNicola LK, Gayle MO, Blake KV Drug therapy approaches in the treatment of acute severe asthma in hospitalised children Paediatr Drugs. 2001;3(7):509-37