424 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
Prehosp Emerg Care 2002 Epinephrine Pitetti R, Glustein JZ, Bhende MS Prehospital care and outcome of pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Prehosp Emerg Care. 2002 Jul-Sep;6(3):283-90
Prehosp Emerg Care 2003 Etomidate Deitch S, Davis DP, Schatteman J, Chan TC, Vilke GM The use of etomidate for prehospital rapid-sequence intubation Prehosp Emerg Care. 2003 Jul-Sep;7(3):380-3
Public Health 2000 Epinephrine Morritt J, Aszkenasy M The anaphylaxis problem in children: community management in a UK National Health Service District Public Health. 2000 Nov;114(6):456-9
Respir Care 2003 Epinephrine Kercsmar CM Current trends in management of pediatric asthma Respir Care. 2003 Mar;48(3):194-205; discussion 205-8
Respir Care 2003 Epinephrine Rotta AT, Wiryawan B Respiratory emergencies in children Respir Care. 2003 Mar;48(3):248-58; discussion 258-60
Respir Care 2003 Epinephrine Wiswell TE Neonatal resuscitation Respir Care. 2003 Mar;48(3):288-94; discussion 294-5
Resuscitation 1999 Epinephrine White RD, Hankins DG, Bugliosi TF Seven years' experience with early defibrillation by police and paramedics in an emergency medical services system Resuscitation. 1998 Dec;39(3):145-51
Resuscitation 2001 Epinephrine Project Team of The Resuscitation Council (UK) Update on the emergency medical treatment of anaphylactic reactions for first medical responders and for community nurses Resuscitation. 2001 Mar;48(3):241-3
Resuscitation 2002 Epinephrine Mann K, Berg RA, Nadkarni V Beneficial effects of vasopressin in prolonged pediatric cardiac arrest: a case series Resuscitation. 2002 Feb;52(2):149-56
Resuscitation 2002 Epinephrine Bar-Joseph G, Abramson NS, Jansen-McWilliams L, Kelsey SF, Mashiach T, Craig MT, Safar P; Brain Resuscitation Clinical Trial III (BRCT III) Study Group Clinical use of sodium bicarbonate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation--is it used sensibly? Resuscitation. 2002 Jul;54(1):47-55
Resuscitation 2002 Epinephrine Stoll E, Golej J, Burda G, Hermon M, Boigner H, Trittenwein G Osteomyelitis at the injection site of adrenalin through an intraosseous needle in a 3-month-old infant Resuscitation. 2002 Jun;53(3):315-8
Resuscitation 2004 Epinephrine Perkin MR, Wey EQ Emergency drug availability on general paediatric units Resuscitation. 2004 Aug;62(2):243-7
Resuscitation 2004 Etomidate Wong E, Fong YT, Ho KK Emergency airway management--experience of a tertiary hospital in South-East Asia Resuscitation. 2004 Jun;61(3):349-55
Resuscitation 2005 Epinephrine Aziz K, Chadwick M, Downton G, Baker M, Andrews W The development and implementation of a multidisciplinary neonatal resuscitation team in a Canadian perinatal centre Resuscitation. 2005 Jul;66(1):45-51
Resuscitation 2006 Epinephrine Tibballs J, Kinney S A prospective study of outcome of in-patient paediatric cardiopulmonary arrest Resuscitation. 2006 Dec;71(3):310-8
Semin Perinatol 2007 EMLA Lehr VT, Taddio A Topical anesthesia in neonates: clinical practices and practical considerations Semin Perinatol. 2007 Oct;31(5):323-9
Shock 2004 Epinephrine Efrati O, Modan-Moses D, Vardi A, Matok I, Bazilay Z, Paret G Intravenous arginine vasopressin in critically ill children: is it beneficial? Shock. 2004 Sep;22(3):213-217
South Med J 1998 Epinephrine Shetty AK, Hutchinson SW, Mangat R, Peck GQ Preparedness of practicing pediatricians in Louisiana to manage emergencies South Med J. 1998 Aug;91(8):745-8
South Med J 2002 Epinephrine Mrvos R, Anderson BD, Krenzelok EP Accidental injection of epinephrine from an autoinjector: invasive treatment not always required South Med J. 2002 Mar;95(3):318-20
Surgery 2007 Enema Kaiser AD, Applegate KE, Ladd AP Current success in the treatment of intussusception in children Surgery. 2007 Oct;142(4):469-75
Update in anaesthesia 2004 Etomidate Mellor J Induction of anaesthesia in paediatric patients Update in anaesthesia 2004;18(8):1
Update in anaesthesia 2004 Ether Mellor J Induction of anaesthesia in paediatric patients Update in anaesthesia 2004;18(8):1
Update in anaesthesia 2004 Enflurane Mellor J Induction of anaesthesia in paediatric patients Update in anaesthesia 2004;18(8):1
US Pharmacist 2005 EMLA Tom CM Management of Acute Pain in Hospitalized Children US Pharmacist 2005;30(8)