465 results found View 10, 50, 100, 150 entries per page
Journal Year Drug Authors Title Source
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2003 DTaP vaccine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommended childhood and adolescent immunization schedule. United States, 2003. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003 Jan 31;52(4):Q1-4
Pediatrics 2002 DTaP/DTP vaccine Luman ET, McCauley MM, Stokley S, Chu SY, Pickering LK Timeliness of Childhood Immunizations Pediatrics 2002 Nov; 110 (5): 935-939
Lancet 2009 DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib Prymula R, Siegrist CA, Chlibek R, Zemlickova H, Vackova M, Smetana J, Lommel P, Kaliskova E, Borys D, Schuerman L Effect of prophylactic paracetamol administration at time of vaccination on febrile reactions and antibody responses in children: two open-label, randomised controlled trials Lancet. 2009 Oct 17;374(9698):1339-50
BMJ 2004 Duloxetine Jureidini JN, Doecke CJ, Mansfield PR, Haby MM, Menkes DB, Tonkin AL Efficacy and safety of antidepressants for children and adolescents BMJ. 2004 Apr 10;328(7444):879-83
Neurology 2004 Dvalproex sodium Lewis D, Ashwal S, Hershey A, Hirtz D, Yonker M, Silberstein S; American Academy of Neurology Quality Standards Subcommittee; Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society Practice parameter: pharmacological treatment of migraine headache in children and adolescents: report of the American Academy of Neurology Quality Standards Subcommittee and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society Neurology. 2004 Dec 28;63(12):2215-24